A website is your image to the world.
Let's leave them speechless...


MHS America

New World Licensing

Jack's Fine Art


What's under the hood matters too...


Seven Fifteen years of professional web development

This site is a bit outdated. The PHP logo can remain for nostalgia until I have a chance to update the whole thing, but I've definitely moved past the LAMP stack over past seven years or so. ^_^



Responsive Design


ABOUT ME (current)

Kage Edwards

Hi, I'm Kage. I started practicing web design in 2008 as a sophomore in high school. Since then, I've come a long way. I've built city websites, real estate websites, small business websites, a website for an arena football team, assessment software... even an MLS for manufactured housing.

Over the years, I've overcome many hurdles, learned many life-saving techniques. I'm confident I can make your next project an impressive reality.

Contact Kage Edwards

1425 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98122
Phone: +1 (909) 488-6374
Email: kagemykel DOT edwards AT gmail DOT com

I can't wait to get started!